junio 23, 2010

A Day in the Life of a Peace Corps Volunteer, Kate Quigley, Laraos-Yauyos

To say that life in Nor Yauyos Cochas is interesting is an understatement. From the first day I moved to this region, situated in the Andes of the department of Lima, both my professional and personal life have seen one wild ride. First, I should lay out what my role as a Peace Corps Environmental Volunteer entails. Our program has three main goals, which can be summarized as the following: Reforestation, Environmental Education, and Waste Management.

First, Trees! In a hope that our work will be sustainable, we not only organize tree plantings with saplings that are provided to our communities through governmental initiatives, but also start our own tree nurseries at the community and family level. In the case of my town, after years of bad experiences maintaining community run tree nurseries, I have shifted my focus from this level to family run. Not only is accountability higher, but also this provides me with the opportunity to work on education within each family. For example, I try to impart to them why native species are important, how planting invasive are hurting the soils, how trees help in water- shed protection, and how it helps reduce the threat of Climate Change at the local level. In conjunction with an NGO that works in our area (Valle Grande), we are trying to shift the buying of trees for forestation from larger cities to our own communities, that way bringing in income and a level of responsibility to the process.
Our second goal, and the one that I find most enjoyable, is working within the school system to raise the level of conscious concerning environmental topics. Not only do I believe working with the youth is the surest way to effect change for the future, but they keep life fun with their inquisitive attitudes and energy. Due to the fact that we live in a protected area, one of the main objectives is to instill this knowledge within the kids, as well as what it means to live in a protected area and how the ministry of environment, represented as SERNANP Park Guards, play a role in life here. Aside from my 8 hours of classes in week, I work bi-weekly with my Ecology-Club kids, working on projects such as making recycled paper, painting our environmental mural, tending our small tree nursery or having town trash cleanups. In relation to trash management of the schools, we have finally moved beyond education and have begun our own school compost, and in July will receive equipment, provided by the mine, to separate our trash, organics and recyclables on the school level.
Finally the third goal, which happens to be the one that I will probably be remembered for most: trash management. I am sure when I leave, people will say, “I wonder if Katty will return, she sure did love to carry around/sort through/talk about trash…” The big goal was first to do a study on the production and characterization of waste in our town. This was a must in order to work with SERNANP to get funding and approbation for a sanitary landfill. As of now, we hope to break ground on our landfill in July, which will not only include the land for putting trash, but also beds for making compost, storing our recyclables for selling as well as a special tank for dangerous medical waste and batteries. This work also includes planning town cleanups, educational meetings with adults about trash separation, the dangers of burning trash, and the elaboration of compost in each home.
Living in Laraos, situated within the protected area of the LandScape Reserve Nor Yauyos Cochas, also affords experiences like Alpaca shearing with my community at over 4000 meters, dancing for days in traditional garb in an adoration to water, hiking to the town’s pre-Incan citadel situated on the peaks of the Andes, and living the life of a community member in a predominantly agricultural community.
As a way to explain what set the tempo for the next two years, I would like to explain day one and how we arrived at the Reserve. With three other PC volunteers, along with our host fathers and official SERNANP counterparts, we were awaken at 5:00 in the morning, after only a couple hours into our bus ride, to shouts and weird ash coming into the window. The morning is cold and dark, being a lonely rode in the Andes, but after about 45 minutes of shouting, it is decided that we will walk the rest of the way. This “rest of the way” happens to be quite a lot of hours, along with our suitcases, and just a general awkwardness of just having met the people we are with. Putting our complete trust in them, we set off, and not many hours go by, walking along the dirt road up up up, when we realize that ash if from the burning bridges that dot the road between the coast to our sties. Little did we know, but we had walked into a multiple community protest against certain regional companies that were not only polluting the waters of this area, but also not accomplishing the promises that they had made to the communities. It took us a day longer than expected to get to our sites, but in the end, not only did we see local people taking action, but also formed a great bond with our new community partners. From then on, it has just been one experience after another.

Laraos at a bird’s eye view, with the Andes in the foreground and the lake Cochapampa in the back.

Peace Corps Volunteer, Kate Quigley

junio 19, 2010

X Feria Nor Yauyina - Programa General - 17 y 18 de julio de 2010, en el distrito de Miraflores






Recepción de invitados en Sede Vg Cañete


Salida a Miraflores


Llegada a Miraflores


Recepción de invitados en Miraflores - Palabras de bienvenida


Visita a Huaquis


Filmación de Fogata


Cena - Fogata - Música Folklórica


Ubicación de visitantes en hospedajes



Santa Misa en Miraflores




Instalación de mesas de inscripción


Coordinación con Jurados y equipo responsable


Filmación de X Feria Nor Yauyina 2010



Palabras de Bienvenida

Himno Nacional


Concurso de bandas

Concurso de semillas

Concurso de platos típicos

Concurso de plantas medicinales

Concurso de artesanías




Concurso de danzas costumbristas


Premiación del Concurso de Semillas

Premiación del concurso de platos típicos

Premiación concurso de plantas medicinales

Premiación de concurso de bandas de guerra

Premiación del concurso de danzas costumbristas a nivel comunal y escolar


Cena en Miraflores


Desmontaje de Feria

Salida a Cañete

Informes e inscripciones

En Yauyos: Base de Valle Grande en Llapay
En Cañete: Instituto Rural Valle Grande Panamericana Sur KM. 144 Cañete
Telefono: 581-2261/581-2469
Email: informes@irvg.org

junio 16, 2010

Exposición Fotográfica del Proyecto Iskay: En bici por la Lima del Pariacaca de la Reserva Pisajística Nor Yauyos Cochas

El Proyecto Iskay ('Dos' en quechua), inaugura sus actividades con la muestra fotográfica de un recorrido por la provincia del Nor Yauyos de Lima, en bicicleta.
La misión es producir documentales de aventura y vida al aire libre, para motivar con ello el sano hábito del deporte y la convivencia con el medio ambiente.
El proyecto fue ideado y formado por dos Comunicadores de profesión, Eka Pomareda y Daniel Martínez de los Heros, que cansados de la cotidianeidad de nuestra ciudad capital emprenden un viaje sin motor pero sobre ruedas.

Deciden recorrer su provincia natal, conocer la Lima que no se conoce. Ello implicó doce días de aventura, desde la costa limeña hasta un destino con más de 5000 msnm, atravesando por completo la Reserva Paisajística Nor Yauyos Cochas, y cruzando así la cordillera del Pariacaca.
Toda la aventura y los maravillosos paisajes fueron documentados en fotografía y vídeo. La exposición recoge treinta y seis fotografías que narran, a manera de diario, todas las vivencias de estos dos jóvenes aventureros en un road trip a pura cadena y músculo.

La exposición se llevará a cabo en las instalaciones de Trocha Outdoors Equipment desde el 19 de junio hasta el 19 de agosto, desde las diez de la mañana hasta las veintidós horas, por la noche, en Av. Santa Cruz 398, San Isidro.



junio 10, 2010

SERNANP realizó I Seminario Regional de Biodiversidad en Áreas Naturales Protegidas de la Región Junín

Con el objetivo de involucrar a la comunidad universitaria, así como a las instituciones públicas y privadas en la promoción de la investigación científica y proyectos en ejecución como nuevas propuestas de trabajo conjunto en la Reserva Paisajística Nor Yauyos Cochas (RPNYC) y las áreas naturales protegidas de la región Junín, se llevó a cabo en la ciudad de Huancayo el “I Seminario Regional de Biodiversidad en Áreas Naturales Protegidas de la Región Junín”, evento organizado por el Servicio Nacional de Áreas Naturales Protegidas por el Estado-SERNANP, a través de la Jefatura de la Reserva Paisajística Nor Yauyos Cochas y la Universidad Nacional del Centro del Perú.

El evento contó con la participación del Jefe del SERNANP, Luis Alfaro; el Gerente de Recursos Naturales del Gobierno Regional de Junín, Walter López; autoridades universitarias; representantes de instituciones públicas y privadas, así como el coordinador del Nodo Centro Oriente, Genaro Yarupaitan y los jefes de las ANP: Reserva Paisajística Nor Yauyos Cochas, Santuario Histórico de Chacamarca, Reserva Nacional de Junín, Santuario Nacional Pampa Hermosa y el Parque Nacional Huascarán, quienes incidieron en la importancia en la conservación de nuestro patrimonio natural como país megadiverso, sobre todo este año que ha recibido la denominación de Año Internacional de la Biodiversidad.

Su objetivo es conciliar la conservación de la naturaleza y el desarrollo socioeconómico a través de la difusión de experiencias exitosas de gestión en áreas naturales protegidas, asimismo la integración de las universidades a través de convenios de cooperación para la formación profesional, la investigación y la proyección social – extensión universitaria, para una formación científica de alta calidad académica que revalore la importancia de la RPNYC y las áreas naturales protegidas de influencia en la región de Junín.
Finalmente, el evento culminó con la degustación de platos típicos de la región, preparados por los alumnos de la Facultad de Ciencias Forestales y del Medio Ambiente de la Universidad Nacional del Centro del Perú.

junio 09, 2010

My name is Gilles Havik. I am a student in Biology in Netherland. I was in the Reserva Paisajistica Nor Yauyos Cochas.

My name is Gilles Havik. I am a student in Biology in Netherland. I was in in the Reserva Paisajistica Nor Yauyos Cochas. I interviewed many people in Huancaya, Vitis and in Tanta. An ideal opportunity to learn a little from the Andean culture. The bus to Huancaya, my residence village leaves before sunrise, but the trip alone is worth every single minute of being awake before your natural wake up hour. The van crosses heigths of more than 4 km, where the puna grows in tiny steps. The mountain lakes are a joy to the eye, and so are the enormous multicoloured rocks that seem to be sliced by giants´ hands. After about three hours of driving, the van enters a valley that gives a first taste of the atmosphere you find further up. From the moment you go right in Tinco Alis, the rio Cañete introduces Huancaya and Vitis' ambience.

Left and right, colossal rocks look down upon the tiny villages. Huancaya, capital of the reserve, is well adorned, and built from natural stones. Some of the walls stem from more than a century ago. The waterfalls of the rio Cañete carry a peaceful feeling from the back of the village. And trout. You can eat trout all around the village, but if you are very lucky, you'll find Noe prepare it on his barbecue right of the church, on the cozy main square. On the opposite corner of that square you find Juanita's shop. She sells fresh cheese and delicious milk. Visit her by night. For a place to sleep, I'd recommend Marleny, or her neighbours Sulma and Antonino. You can find their places at the end of the first on the left after entering the calle Lima. Just ask around.

Most people in Huancaya are nice and hospitable. They are curious who you are and what you do. Drinking with them is fun, up till the point where you need to go home or go watch the stars. I'll say no more. When you leave the village in Northward direction, you will find a remnant of the Spanish inquisitors. It is a pleasant place to hang around, but following that road further up will lead you in about an hours walk to the lagoon of the sirens. A hue sapphire blue you have seldom seen in your life, and are unlikely to find again. Hikers will alleviate their hearts following any of the paths that lead upwards. There are lakes all around and the views are as breathtaking as the climb itself. Both Huancaya and Vitis are excellent starting points.

Vitis is marked by the enthousiastic kids running round on the streets. Stay there a day, and they'll know your name. A day more, and they know everything else. If you're not carefull, they pull you all over the main square. Heredia's place is the only hostal of the village. It is nice, and she cooks well too.

Tanta is a place you don't reach just like that. Going with the public transport means you travel in a truck with an average of 30 people and 20 sheep. For 7 hours. But once again, the landscape is fantastic. It is a ride through the Puna, sometimes with a view on the angelically white peaks, with the sky slicers of the Pariacaca as their all time master. The villagers fear Pariacaca, one of the Incas sacred Apus, who can be seen from Tanta. Most of them are not overly educated, yet generally warm hearted. They are weavers, parading with their artisanal on cold days. Brown polos reach down to their knees, giving an impressive allure, particularly to the tall. Isolated as it is, tanta seems to be one of the least disturbed traditions of the reserve. Yet a short climb reveals that the village counts two arenas and six footbal fields. One of them located on an island in the middle of Cañetes rage. A hiking trip to the foot of Pariacaca is highly recommendable, but don't forget your offering to the lake of murucocha. Legend has it that neither boat nor swimming man ever reached it to the island in it's middle. The majestic rocks around, some part of the Inca trail, radiate a magnetism you just have to respect. They survived the fist of the elements from year to year.

The reserve of Nor Yauyos offers a world of experiences to adventurers as well as to people who are up for some extreme chilling: an experience you won't forget.

Gilles Havik